Right behaviour? Wrong behaviour!!

Right behaviour? Wrong behaviour!!

Here is an interesting parable…

There was once a family of farmers with two brothers and their wives living together.

Both had sons about the same age.

Their upbringing was almost identical with the same schooling and peer group  friend circle.

Since childhood one of them was very interested in the farm. He would help his father and uncle to plough, sow, harvest. Work with the animals and spend most of his time with others in the farm. Let us call him BOY ONE!

He was very physical, boisterous and aggressive since childhood. He enjoyed physical  team sports of all kinds and would always participate and infact lead the teams. His friends always looked up to him and he was the STAR of the farmer household.

The OTHER BOY too was hard working and helped whenever he was assigned a task. He usually preferred to be on his own and would wander away in the woods to spend time with himself. He was lean and lanky; strong but very gentle and mild mannered, soft spoken and polite. He loved to play the flute and enjoyed reading. He would usually avoid participating in many of the group activities with his school friends. Many teased him and called him a loner, but was always protected by BOY ONE. His family would always goad him to be like BOY ONE!!

How do you think the two boys turned out as Adults?

Whose behaviour is RIGHT – BOY ONE or the OTHER BOY’s?

Why? What parameters would  you use to make your judgment?

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What Is In It For Me (WIIFM)?

What Is In It For Me (WIIFM)?

Why should I engage in any activity?

Recently a gentleman about 50 shared an interesting experience.

He was a charming person who I met after about 2 years, who had transformed himself. At first I did not recognize him until he introduced himself! He had changed. He looked trim and fit and ready to take on the world.

On enquiry, he shared that he had a transformation about a year ago and had started a regime of weight loss and healthy living habits. He was determined to become healthy! He used to smoke,had poor eating habits and there was no exercise in his daily routine.

Having undergone a routine medical examination the doctor whom he consulted, after looking at his stress test, reports, history and life style details told him that he had a maximum of 10 years to live if he continued to live the way he currently was…. He could also expect to get a heart attack within the next 2 years.

Now over the last 12 months this person has moved from 100kgs to 80kgs purely on determination and motivation to loose weight and has set a target to maintain his weight below 75 kgs over the next 2 years

He has stopped smoking, eats three meals a day; with at least 1 fruit, 6 glasses of water; walks 5kms in the morning and bikes 10 every evening. and does breathing exercises for 10minutes thrice a day! and interestingly enjoys this lifestyle. He feels happier,more energetic and his family and children want to spend more time with him.

He casually mentioned that he knew in his 30s and 40s that all the lifestyle elements that he was following were good habits and every year for the last 10 years he would make a resolution to start an exercise regime, go to a gym and work out etc… but the resolutions were short lived. There was nothing to motivate him to follow the discipline required.

However, the doctors prognosis gave him a kick on his pants to feel really MOTIVATED to get his act together this time. His “What Is In It for Me”  was too powerful…. A healthier lifestyle would mean increase in life span, more energy, better mindset and energy levels.

Knowing and having the skill to walk and bike and eat healthy was not enough!

He needed the motivation to do what had to be done… and strangely it appeared through a HEALTH SCARE!

WHAT MOTIVATES YOU ? Find out the WIIFM that triggers your full involvement towards completion of tasks and enables SUCCESS!

From the next POST we will look at BEHAVIOURAL ENABLER as the ultimate facet leading to success …until then

comments, suggestions and contributions will always be WELCOME!


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Value of Skills !

Value of Skills !


Have you ever tried to put a screw in the wall??

If you have not … You must try it at least once….

Just the experience and complexity to be able to put a right sized hole in the wall,in the proper place, put a peg in it, decide on the type and size of screw and then actually tightening the screw at 90 degrees to the wall is an experience that every human being must engage in!!

For no other reason except to stop saying… “oh just put a screw in the wall!! Its so easy!”

This example is to highlight the VALUE of SKILL and EXPERIENCE

Now let us combine the knowledge of screw tightening and the skill and ability to put a screw in the wall….

How would these elements play out?

Knowledge would be knowing about the wall, the need for the right equipment – like a scale, pencil, hammer, drilling machine, the exact drill bit, the size of the screw, the type of screw required, where to get it etc… etc… etc…

The skill would be in having the experience to be able to determine the location for the screw, the use of the drill, the hammer etc… the skill to mount the screw and turn it correctly so that the screw is fixed in the wall appropriately.

So which is the SCREW that you are trying to put in the wall?

Do you have the Knowledge?

What Skills  do you require to install it correctly ???

This metaphor can help to discern elements of Knowledge and Skill for success.

Let us look deeper on other facets for success shortly!


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Knowledge is Power?!

Knowledge is all about information..about knowing. ie being aware; being aware of possible outcomes of a sequence of events, processes etc.. It gives you the power of predicting outcome provided the right events occur in the known sequence.

As a simple example : we know that adding salt to an ingredient improves taste; Now we also know that adding Iodine to salt improves the health; So we use Iodised salt; but we also know that too much salt will make food inedible; Further now we also know that salt is injurious to persons suffering from hypertension and blood pressure…

Chemists will go deeper in this knowledge base in various other applications.

So knowing all this one can appropriately use salt in cooking and on the flip side Not Knowing can have disastrous consequences.

There is a parable about a frog….

If you put a frog in a pot of boiling water, it will immediately jump out.

But if you put it in a pot of water at room temperature and heat the water very very slowly, it will die because it did not sense the danger of temperature change. By the time it realizes that the water is too hot it has been doomed.

What does this story tell about knowing? Look at it from the frogs perspective and also separately from the persons perspective…. Knowledge has its role to play.

Knowledge is POWER!!

BUT only knowledge is not enough for success.


Do think about the various activities one engages in and see the value of knowing…

How does knowing help in creating success for you?

Let us explore other Success facets shortly…


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Success Factors/Facets.

Success Factors/Facets.

What could possibly be factors/facets that lead to success…

Success means completion of a project or activity either within expectations or by exceeding expectations self and others. This does include time, output etc..etc…

Here are success factors and facets that are rather well known.

  • Knowledge
  • Intelligence
  • Experience and Skill
  • Interest & Motivation
  • Supportive Behaviour
    and maybe(!!)
  • Chance or Co-incidence or LUCK as some may call it!!

In our opinion success is a complex play between each of the above and not exclusively one or the other.

Magical success happens when all the elements interplay with synchronicity.

Think about times when you tasted success at a task you were working on. Also think about the times when you had to struggle to meet targets. What worked? What did not! Therein lies answers to our ability to create success for self and maybe others.

An example:

Take the task of cooking dinner for SELF.

Sounds simple?

Do I have the Knowledge, Intelligence , Experience, Skill, Motivation and Supportive Behaviour?

Maybe I do it once successfully (as per our definition)…. Can I do this everyday for the rest of my life?

Maybe YES…for some of us and for others, fortunately, there are many alternatives.

And we can answer the questions to determine success factors …

  • Do I have the knowledge?
  • Do I have the intelligence required to cook?
  • Do I know how to cook?
  • Do I have the experience / knowhow and skill?
  • Am I interested in /motivated to cook?
  • Do I have the necessary supportive behaviour? (planful, organised, patient, resilient)
  • The reasons to find someone else to cook will be answered the moment we have answers for the above.

So success in feeding oneself can be by cooking food or using another’s service.

It is interesting to note the worldwide growth of Food Malls, Street Side eating places, cafeterias, Dabba wallas, Home delivery stations, Take away counters in addition to the well established Restaurant Businesses….

This in addition to sharing in the responsibility and process of cooking within families or partners or room mates!

Clearly humanity has realised that that there are many amongst who are more focussed on the above task or have made it into a business model and many of us have delegated this activity to others who are MORE SUCCESSFUL at it!

Let us explore each of the mentioned success elements and BEHAVIORS in the BLOGS coming up shortly!

** Technology vector designed by Kreativkolors – Freepik.com


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Taking off on Behaviour !!

Taking off on Behaviour !!


This is the take-off point for the CB5 Blog!!

The primary AIM of this CeeBeeFive BLOG is to discuss BEHAVIOUR.


Oxford Dictionary Definition:

The way in which one acts or conducts oneself, especially towards others:
The way in which an animal or person behaves in response to a particular situation or stimulus
The way in which a machine or natural phenomenon works or functions.

Wikipedia definition:

Behavior or behaviour (see spelling differences) is the range of actions and mannerisms made by individuals, organisms, systems, or artificial entities in conjunction with themselves or their environment, which includes the other systems or organisms around as well as the (inanimate) physical environment. It is the response of the system or organism to various stimuli or inputs, whether internal or external, conscious or subconscious, overt or covert, and voluntary or involuntary.

Psychology Definition:

Behaviour is “Reaction of an Organism to Stimulus”

“Behavior”  in layman terms can be defined as the manifested/demonstrated action/reaction, emotion, body language to of feelings and emotions that an individual experiences.

For eg : JOY is the FEELING or EMOTION

Behaviour demonstrating the feeling of JOY can be jumping, laughing, laughter, binge drinking, long walks etc.. etc…

Stimulus for JOY can be varied based on the context the individual is in!

Through this BLOG we will explore BEHAVIOUR and try to understand, learn, share and determine patterns of behaviour.

Maybe we can decifer and try to explain the reasons for behaviour.

We will also try to look for behaviours which have context specific advantages and disadvantages and look for stories to demonstrate the same … both in Life at Large situations as well as Work oriented situations.

This may possibly help to understand PERSONALITY and its impact on BEHAVIOUR


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